→ Mon groupe sanguin est O+ → Moja krvna grupa je O pozitivna → Il mio gruppo sanguigno è O positivo → 私の血液型はO型Rhプラスです → 내 혈액형은 O 플러스예요 → Mijn bloedgroep is O-positief. → Mi grupo sanguíneo es O positivo → Veriryhmäni on O+. Download O&O SafeErase Skilled / Server 18.0.537 (59.2 MB): with Oxy.

My blood group is O positive → مَوْجَبٌ O فَصِيلَةُ دمي → Moje krevní skupina je O pozitivní → Min blodtype er O-positiv → Meine Blutgruppe ist Null Rhesus-positiv → Έχω ομάδα αίματος O θετικό. O&O SafeErase 18 Professional Edition Securely delete all traces of your data.Get definitions, pronunciations, etymologies. English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012 Get definitions, pronunciations, etymologies, and examples in a sentence for 9,440 words that start with the letter O.